Our approach to a circular economy

Sliding scale rates based on your living situation

1$ does not have the same cost for all

The perception of the value of $1 varies considerably depending on our living conditions. Whether we are single, employed in an IT company, an annuitant, a heir, or a single parent, a student, unemployed,… the accessibility to leisure, to time allocated to pleasure, is excessively affected. We have all experienced the lack of pleasure in our daily lives in recent years and its cost to our mental health.
Dance nourishes, heals, enriches, creates lasting human relationships, … It is beneficial on a daily basis, with regularity and especially when we feel vulnerable and isolated.


Cat’s Corner invites the community to participate in a social and circular economy that will allow the school to fund significant discounts for those who cannot afford the full fee.
For this reason, our activities are offered on a full price basis. We encourage those who can afford it to pay this price in order to participate in the financing of solidarity discounts.


Every time you choose Cat’s Corner and pay the full price without a promotional discount, you’re contributing to our circular economy!

If your finances permit, a donation option is also available with every online payment on our registration platform:

a) Use the Pay it forward option to enable us to offer significant discounts to dancers in financial difficulty for all our programming.

b) Use the Ethel Bruneau Scholarship option to contribute to the education of a child or an elder in the art of Tap Dance.

B- SOLIDARITY DISCOUNTS: Different scales for different situations

Because this school exists on the basis of mutual trust at many levels of its operation, we have chosen to offer you the opportunity to use certain codes according to your own judgment. Here are some examples of situations:

a) Use the code < SlidingScale_15 > for a 15% discount if you are a full-time student, single on minimum wage, in a temporary uncertainty, need a little help etc.

b) Use the code < SlidingScale_50 > for 50% off if you’ve found dance classes unaffordable before. You are in a precarious financial situation, unemployed for several years, you just can’t afford to pay more.

c) Pay-what-you-can (20$, 10$, 1$…): you live on wellfare, your budget is basically all used up for essential necessities. If you wish to dance or learn, you and your children will not be refused at our doors. Come take our adult classes, bring your children to our Saturday morning classes.
You can come and talk to us in person (Meghan & Anaïs), call us (514-874-9846) or email us (info@catscorner.ca).

Volunteering is always possible at Cat’s Corner. A culture that has never ceased to contribute to the vibrancy and engagement of our dance community.
Please contact us if you are interested in this program!


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