Kids classes

About the Program


1956 rue Frontenac (opposite the Frontenac metro station)


from September 11 to December 14, 2024 (break on Saturday, October 12) :

  • 0-5 yo : Music & dance for tots (Parents-Children): Saturdays at 9am (45min)

  • 5-7 yo: Intro to Jazz/Swing/Tap - Saturday at 10am (55min)

  • 7-10 yo: Musical Theater - Saturday at 11am (90min)

  • 8-12 yo: Beginners Tap: Wednesday at 4.30pm (60min)

Trial week on Wednesday September 11 and Saturday September 14

To ensure a great learning experience for your children, we recommend year-round registration from September to June. Children with learning challenges are welcome in our classes, up to a limit of 2 children per class.

END OF YEAR SHOW: Children will prepare a choreography to be presented in a show in December and June. A healthy snack buffet will be provided. Guests are welcome.

Since 2019, with our Cat’s Corner families growing up, the school has started offering tap and swing dance classes for our younger ones, from age 3 to 14 years old.

The Tap dance program for kids and adults is led by Majiza Philip, tap dancer and choreographer with 20 years of experience teaching kids of all ages.

The music and jazz dance program for kids is led by Alcina Chiu. She has 20 years of experience introducing children to the joy of playing music and dancing. She’s also been teaching swing dances to adults at Cat’s Corner for many years.

Kids class descriptions

Music & dance for tots: Parent & Kid 0-5 yo

A class for the youngest: discovering music and dance! 

An activity for the whole family. Come make music: play instruments, dance, sing children's songs, and discover the world of music with your child. Each week will have a fun and educational theme.

Intro to Jazz/ Swing/ Tap: 5-7 yo

From the age of 5, children will be introduced to the dance universe of Cat's Corner: jazz, swing and tap. 

Through immersion in swinging music, children will learn steps from the classic vocabulary of original jazz dances, through play, exploration and an invitation to express their great personality!

Children will also be introduced to the tradition of Miss Swing Ethel Bruneau. They will work on their sense of time, and their ability to listen to themselves and others, thanks to the shining sound of tap shoes!

Musical Theater: 7-10 yo

Children ages 8+ will learn Musical Theater with Alcina Chiu: Singing, acting, dancing, set design, and more! We will write our own musical and perform it at the end of the session. We will learn all the skills necessary to put on a show!

Tap Beginner: 8-12 yo

Children ages 8+ will learn rhythm tap from the great hoofers, following the curriculum of Miss Swing Ethel Bruneau with her grand-daughter and well-known Majiza Philip!

Fall session pricing

0-5 yo parent-child

Music & dance for tots


$20 per class

45 min

13 classes

Sept. 14-Dec. 14

5-7 yo

Intro to jazz/swing/tap


55 min

13 classes

Sept. 14-Dec. 14

7-10 yo

Musical Theater


90 min

13 classes

Sept. 14-Dec. 14

8-12 yo

Beginner Tap


60 min

14 classes

Sept. 11-Dec. 11

A 10% discount is offered for siblings.
You can choose to pay in full or in instalments.
For families in financial difficulty, please refer to our pricing policies for solidarity discounts.

For questions and requests: / 514-874-9846


Grand child of legendary dancer Ethel Bruneau, Montreal Queen of Tap from Harlem, NY, Majiza was born into the world of dance.

Majiza has started training with her grand mother at the age of 3, and later with actor Don Jordan. Among her many accomplishments, she and her sister were selected to dance at the Governor General’s Awards. She danced on the stage of Jazz Fest in 1998 with the Big Band Vic Vogel, following which she got a role at Nathalie Simard’s Décibel show. Between 2009 and 2013, she was a choreographer at Segal Centre for performing arts.

Majiza excels in the art of teaching like a second nature. She’s shared her love for tap in numerous schools: the Segal Center “Broadway Kids” after school program, the Cameron dance school, the Sport-Study program at Massey-Vanier high school in Cowansville, at the Académie de danse de Montréal and various elementary schools on the Island of Montreal. We feel extremely lucky to have her among us at Cat’s Corner Swing Dance School.

Majiza is able to connect with each of her students, kids and adults, and see every ones’ own qualities and personalities. She guides her classes with the awareness of each student’s specific needs while creating a very friendly and supportive atmosphere. She manages to bring together a sense of rigour with kindness and real fun! She’s truly a gem of a teacher!


Alcina Chiu is a professional musician and dancer with over 25 years of teaching experience. She has a Bachelor of Music from Queen’s University (with years at the University of Toronto and overseas in England) and has also done graduate studies in Dalcroze Eurhythmics at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

She has collaborated and taught with many schools and theatre companies, including Shakespearience, the Toronto District School Board, Jeunes musiciens du monde, and various seniors centres in Toronto and Montreal. As a performer, her credits include West Side Story (Curtain Call Players), Brigadoon (Onstage), and singing as a Featured Soloist (Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Broadway Melody). Stage credits on the production side include A Hawk from a Handsaw, O For a Muse of Fire (Shakespearience - stage manager, music director), Midsummer Night's Dream (Fieldstone Day School - director), Young Frankenstein, Cabaret (CCP - music director), Legally Blonde JR, Musicville (Montreal Children's Theatre - director and choreographer), and Little Shop of Horrors (Kells Academy - director). She recently finished directing the 90th anniversary production of Beauty and the Beast with MCT with a cast aged 7 to 83. With her studio, she has also had the chance to create original musicals with groups of all ages and conduct and accompany many choirs.

She runs her own music and dance studio, Scherzo. She loves to share her passion for swing and the fun, creative spirit of the dance. Alcina is known for her student-centred approach to teaching and her infectious joy in class.

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